We are social creatures. We care what other people think, we learn from each other, and we discuss and debate the pros and cons of different choices we must make. Some topics are more controversial than others (ahem, gun control, government surveillance of US citizens, war…). Luckily, solar power is something we all love. Well, almost all of us.
Survey after survey, I’ve seen that over 80% of Americans support solar power and support government policies and incentives geared at growing solar power. Republicans, Democrats, and Independents all support solar power. You, your neighbors, your friends, and even your enemies support solar (unless they happen to work in the coal or nuclear power industry). Here’s one fun infographic on that subject from UMA Solar:
So, yes, we love solar power. But that leaves most of us with an important question: if we haven’t yet gone solar, why haven’t we? One very likely answer is that we think solar power is 2–100 times more expensive than it actually is. Are you in that boat? Maybe it’s time to get a solar quote in order to see if you could save some mad cash (and get a bit of praise from your friends and family) by finally putting your money where your heart is and going solar?
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