No, Going Solar Won’t Make You Wear Hemp Shirts or Start Eating Kale

solar-panel-up-closeOne of the great things about the dropping cost of solar is that going solar at home is no longer just for the crunchy granola crowd, and it isn’t just a fringe movement fueled solely by sentiments such as “saving the Earth” anymore, but is appealing more and more to almost anyone looking to cut their energy costs and to invest in something with a great return.

While it is true that adding more clean renewable energy to the grid through a home solar PV system can help to offset some of the unsavory effects of our modern fossil fuel energy production, namely air pollution and carbon emissions, and that distributed energy production via residential solar helps strengthen the grid, if it didn’t make economic sense, we wouldn’t be seeing such wide adoption of solar.

With energy costs continuing to rise, many homeowners may benefit from choosing to go solar, essentially locking in their electricity costs for years to come by becoming their own local utility, as well as cutting monthly energy costs from day one. As we mentioned in an earlier piece, the cost of going solar is less than the cost of grid electricity in 42 out of 50 of the largest cities in the US, and is expected to drop another 40% by 2017, while delivering returns better than the stock market, so investing in solar can be a wise financial decision.

However, there are still some persistent stereotypes about solar homeowners, which somehow equate solar power with flower power, or insinuate that solar is only for environmentalists or just for the wealthy, and the savvy solar companies are taking note of this and using their advertising to emphasize the financial rewards of home solar rather than the feel-good “save the Earth” type marketing.

One case in point are these short video ads from Sunrun, which poke fun at the stereotypes and speak to the homeowner’s bottom line:

Find out what going solar can do for you today!

Solar 101

March 14, 2015

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