FPL About To Offer More Solar Rebates

If you’re in the large Florida Power & Light region of Florida, now might be an excellent time for you to finally look into going solar. A new application period for solar rebates starts on October 15.


Credit: www.FPL.com. (PRNewsFoto/Florida Power & Light Company)

Florida Power & Light (FPL) announced the new rebates just yesterday. The rebates will total about $9 million. They are for residential or business customers who decide to install solar PV panels or solar water heaters on their properties. Here are some more details from FPL:

FPL residential and business customers who plan to install solar water heating or solar PV systems can apply for rebate funding beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Oct. 15, 2013.


Rebate reservations for the available funding will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Funding for the solar rebates is limited to a total of approximately $9 million.

An individual solar installation requires a significant upfront investment from the customer. Based on data provided by customers who received FPL solar rebates during the past year, the upfront cost of a typical, 5-kW residential solar system is currently in the range of$20,000 to $25,000. At $2,000 per kW, FPL’s solar rebate would offset $10,000 for this size installation.

Where exactly do you apply for the solar rebates? Right here: www.FPL.com/solarrebates

Of course, you’re going to need to find a solar installer to take advantage of these rebates. Starting your search now, before the application period begins, is probably the safest way to go. These sort of rebate programs tend to reach their subscription limit very fast.

“FPL recommends that customers who are interested in applying for a rebate prepare in advance and have all the necessary components of the application ready because funds are expected to be reserved quickly,” FPL writes. “Application checklists and updated program details are available on www.FPL.com/solarrebates.”

According to 2011 research, the average Floridian who put solar PV panels on their roof would save $33,284 over 20 years from their solar PV system. Since that time, solar power prices have actually dropped considerably. Combined with these new solar rebates, this is an excellent time to go solar in The Sunshine State.

Check out how much you could save by going solar. And good luck getting a solar rebate in my home state of sunny Florida!

Cost of Solar, Solar Policy

October 3, 2013

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