One of the biggest solar power conferences in the world was held in San Francisco last week — Intersolar North America. California Governor Jerry Brown gave the keynote address. I think it’s a must watch, so before highlighting some key quotes or adding on to Governor Brown’s statements, I’m dropping it right here:
Notably, Governor Brown points out that California has a goal of having 1 million electric vehicles on its streets by 2025. That’s awesome, since they’re the greenest cars around, but they are definitely even much greener when powered by solar panels. And that’s yet one more big reason why fast solar growth is so important. Luckily, electric car early adopters also tend to be solar panel owners.
Governor Brown goes on to also emphasize, the state also aims to have 1 million solar rooftops, with over 130,000 in place today. Clearly, he and his crew know what is needed.
California is indeed kicking pretty good buttocks in solar power adoption and climate action. It certainly gives a smackdown to Texas, which has better solar resources:

Credit: Renewable Energy Corporation
However, while California kicks Texas’ solar butt and is the #1 state in the country for total solar power capacity, it is actually #6 for solar power per capita and solar power per GDP. So… even California has some work to do if it was to be #1 in all solar categories.
One last comment on the video is that I absoultely love this line: “A lot of people like to fight nature, but we are nature. When we fight nature, we’re fighting ourselves. We’re fighting our own life support system.” Exactly.
We need to stop fighting ourselves. We need to go solar. Just do it.
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